[22].大会报告,结构抗火设计方法的发展, 2018年中国消防协会防火材料分会与建筑防火专业委员会年会暨第十一届全国建筑防火与防火材料学术研讨会,2018年12月5-7日,广东佛山.
[21].大会报告,高强钢结构抗火性能研究进展, 中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会“第16届(ISSF-2018)学术交流会暨教学研讨会”于2018年8月25-28日,青岛.
[20].大会报告, Experimental study on cold-formed steel built-up box columns subjected to elevated temperature, 8th international conference on thin-walled structures, 2018, July 24-27, Liston, Portugal.
[19].大会报告,Experimental study on creep buckling of high strength steel columns at elevated temperature, 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire,2018年6月6-8日,Belfast,UK.
[18].大会报告:An approach for
evaluating fire resistance of steel beams considering creep effect, Sixth
International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of
Structures under Extreme Loading,Dec. 11-12, 2017, Guangzhou (Canton), Guangdong, China.
[16].大会报告:Mechanical properties of high strength Q690 steel at elevated temperatures, The 8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures,2017.9. 13-15, Copenhagen,Denmark.
[15].大会报告:Research on fire resistance of high strength steel structures,First Australia-China Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation,Western Australia Chinese Scientists Association (WACSA), 2-6 February 2017 Perth, Australia.[14].分组报告:高强度Q460钢结构抗火性能研究进展.第八届全国结果抗火技术交流会,厦门,2015.11.20-21。
[13]. 分组报告:Mechanical properties of high strength Q460 structural steel after being exposed to fire. The 5th International Workshop on Performace, Protection, Strenthening of structures under extreme loading,June 28-July 1, 2015, Michigan State University, East Lansing, US.
[12]. 分组报告:Experimental study on local buckling of steel columns at elevated temperatures, the 7th International Conference on Steel Structures,Korea, Jeju, 2013.11.7-9.
[11]. 分组报告:焊接钢构件高温后残余应力分布和钢材高温蠕变性能,第七届结构抗火学术交流会,南京,2013.11.13-15。
[10]. 大会报告:高强钢结构抗火性能研究,2013年中国消防协会防火材料分会与建筑防火专业委员会学术会议,成都青城山,2013.8.20-22。
[9]. 分组报告: Fire resistance study of axially loaded high strength steel columns, The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology,Hefei,China,2012.10.17-20.
[7]. 分组报告:An approach for modeling the damage of fire insulation on steel members,The 6th International Symposium on STEEL STRUCTURES: ISSS’11, Soul,Korea,2011.11.03-05.
[6]. 大会报告:Calculation methods on fire resistance of high strength steel columns,International Symposium on Ultra High-rise Buildings Fire Safety and Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Technology,Guangzhou,2010.11.20-22.
[5]. 大会报告:Behavior of high strength steel columns at elevated temperatures,第12届中国钢结构协会稳定与疲劳分会2010年(ASSF-2010)学术交流会暨教学研讨会,宁波,2010.08.28-30。
[3]. 分组报告:Fire-resistance Study of Restrained Steel Columns with Partial Fire Protection Damage,The 5th International Symposium on STEEL STRUCTURES,Seoul, Korea,March 12-14, 2009.
[2]. 大会报告: Experimental Behavior of Steel Columns with Partial Damage of Fire Retardant Coating in Fire,The 5th International Conference on STRUCTURES IN FIRE,28-30 May, 2008, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.